Tuesday, June 16, 2015

And So It Begins...

Blogging. I have been intimated by it for years. How does it all work? Do I have enough to say to fill the pages of a blog? Am I really that interesting? Well, I can tell you that I am not that interesting, BUT my kids are, and my husband is, and I feel obligated to chronicle how cute and awesome they are! My decision to start a blog is not completely altruistic though. I'm finding myself sharing more and more of my children's little milestones and new experiences on social media these days with no real way of guaranteeing that all of those sweet moments will in fact be there someday in the distant future when I want to look back on them. I want a better way to save all of these memories for posterity. Babies don't keep, and mine are bent on rushing through their childhood as much as I want them to slow down. SO, there it is. The real reason for the blog. I suppose that is why most people blog as well.
This blog will be my own personal digital journal of sorts that I can print off every year and put next to our family photo yearbook for the kids to (hopefully) read someday. I don't know that anything I write will be very interesting to anyone other than myself and perhaps a handful of close friends and family, but everyone is welcome to follow regardless! I'm also happy to announce that coming in the Fall, I finally have the FANTASTIC option of taking my full time job with Nebo down to part time!! Woohoo! Working outside of the home for only 3 days a week and spending the rest of the time with my babies is a blessing we have been praying for for a very long time, and the day is finally here. I owe this wonderful option to my fantastic employment with Brigham Young University and the flexible work schedule they've offered me within the Counseling Psychology and Special Education Department. Between my two jobs the hours will stay the same but the way I get those hours in will be A LOT more flexible, allowing me to be more present in my children's lives. I hope this new schedule will alleviate some stress as well, and allow for time to do things like... well, blog! So here we go...


  1. I've tried a few times to leave a comment, yet somehow, they disappear into cyberspace! I think it is great that you are embarking on a new journey in the wonderful world of journaling/blogging! This is an excellent way to document milestones and even everyday occurrences. You have reminded me how much fun it can be and that I need to be better at documenting my own life experiences. I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures!

  2. Thanks Erika!! Sure do miss seeing you regularly, my friend! :)

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